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Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher

Containing Salomons Sermons or Commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman [i.e. Henry Lok]. Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate Sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors

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3. With wine I wit and folly fed, to find mans liues content.
4. In stately workes, of houses and of vineyards, study spent.


The Antidote of hearts with care opprest,

I sought in mine hart to giue my selfe to wine, and to lead mine hart in wisedome, & to take hold of folly, till I might see whee is that goodnes of the children of men, which they enioy vnder the sunne. the whole number of the daies of their life.

Earths bloud, wits bane, wines best delighting tast,
I gaue my selfe to proue in my vnrest,
To quicken so my sprights, with care defast,
Not glutton like, with drunkennesse disgrast,
But as in prickly bush men Roses take,
So in my plentie I not measure brake.
For why, the obiect of my actions were
So limited by wisedomes happy guyde,
That I in them, did Gods offence forbeare,
And in the bounds of temperance firme abyde:
I onely sought by all things to haue tryde,
Where, and what is, that good mans of-spring finds
In life on earth, which so inchaunts their minds.


And for I held magnificence to bee

I haue made my great workes: I haue built me houses: I haue planted me vineyardes.

A vertue fitting well a princely mind,
I built and dedicated (Lord) to thee
A Temple, where thy Arke a rest might find:
A worthlesse present for a God so kind:
Yet best that skilfull Hyrams art could frame,
In seauen yeares time, and cost vpon the same.
I raysed and reedified beside,
Full many cities to withstand the foes,
And Libanus, whose beautie farre and wide,
In fame before all other cities goes:
Besides a Pallace for my Queene, like those
Where mightiest Monarks courts haue erst bin plast,
Which was with many vineyards greatly graft.