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Certayn chapters take[n] out of the Proverbs of Salomo[n]

wyth other chapters of the holy Scripture; & certayne Psalmes of David, translated into English metre, by Iohn Hall. Whych Proverbes of late were set forth, Imprinted and untruely entituled, to be thee doynges of Mayster Thomas Sternhold ... as by thys Copye it may be perceaved

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[The greatnes of the myght of God]

Exaltabo te deus meus. Psalm. cxliiii.

The greatnes of the myght of God
thys Psalme doeth shewe the same
And moueth all hys creatures eke
to prayse hys holy name.
I wyll magnifye the Lorde
my God, my Kynge moste pure
Thy name to prayse wt one accorde
whych euer shall endure
Euery daye wyll I geue thankes
vnto the lyuinge Lorde
And prayse hys name for euer more
and that wyth one accorde
Great is the Lord and meruaylous
and worthy of all prayse
There is no ende of hys greatnes
the Prophete Dauid sayse
One generation to another
doth prayse thy name full well
Thy hyghe glory & myghty power
they do declare and tell
They shal talcke of thy greate worship
and prayse thy holy name
They shal shew forth thi wōderous workes
& the glory of the same

And thyne abundant kyndnes Lord
remembered shall it be
Men shal shewe forth and also sing
the righteousnes of the
Both mercyful and paciente
is God the Lorde of myghte
Lōge suffering, & of greate goodnes
to them that walke aryght
The Lorde is louinge to euery man
that walketh in hys waye
Hys mercy is ouer all hys workes
to guyde them nyght and daye
All thy workes prayse the o Lorde
as it is very ryghte
Thy holynes geue thankes also
to the with all theyr myghte
Thy glory and thy kyngdom lorde,
to shewe and to declare
To talke of thy great power also
full well we maye compare
Thy power thy glory & myghtynes
to vs thou doest it showe
Thy highe kingdō & righteousnes,
that all men maye it knowe

Thy kyngdom is an euerlasting
kingdom true and sure
Thy dominiō thorow out al thinge
for euer doeth endure
The lord is faythful in al his dedes
and kepeth promyse iuste
Howe holy is he in all hys worckes
it can not be discust
The Lord vpholdeth them that are
in daunger for to fall
Them that be downe he lyfteth vp,
when they on hym do call
The eyes of al thinges wayt on the
and put in the theyr truste
For yu doest geue thē mercy full free
in season due and iuste
Thou openest thy handes to theym
that trusteth the vntyll
All thinges lyuing wt plentuousnes
ryghte well thou doest fulfyl
The lord is righteous in his wayes
hys worckes be holy all
The Lord is nye vnto faythful men
when they on hym do call

They that feare hym he wyll
fulfyll theyr hole desyre
He wyll them heare and helpe also,
whan they do hym requyre
They that loue the lorde
them preserueth he
And he wyl scatter all abroade
soche as vngodly be
My mouth shal speake abundantly
and prayse the Lorde therfore
Let all fleshe thanke hys holy name
for euer and euer more.