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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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A prayer wherein the distressed, humbly confesseth his sinnes, and the vanities of his former times lewdely mispent, desiring others to take example by him, and to returne to God by repentance before it be to late. And at the last preparing to die, commendeth his soule to God: with whom after death, he hopeth to liue for euer.
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A prayer wherein the distressed, humbly confesseth his sinnes, and the vanities of his former times lewdely mispent, desiring others to take example by him, and to returne to God by repentance before it be to late. And at the last preparing to die, commendeth his soule to God: with whom after death, he hopeth to liue for euer.


An heart, that's broken & contrite,

Psal. 51.

to God, is a sweete sacrifice:
Repentant sinners him delight,
far more then iust men in their eies.


what I haue bin my God hath knowne
what I now am the Lord doth see:
What I shalbe to him is showne,
from him no secret kept can be.


How I consume so many yeares,
mispent so many monthes and daies:
Both houres and minutes all appeares,
to God who markes my life & waies.


Time is the meane that all things tries,
time worketh what mens wits deuise:

Eccl. 3. 1.


Time with his swiftnes, euer flies,
and time in time, will make men wise.


Fly from me, follies of my youth,
packe hence my sins that burdned me:
Welcome to me is age and trueth,
now I by faith in Christ will be.


Psal. 25.

whose sins do make their harts to bleed

let them examples take by me:
Whose wickednes all mens exceede,
come, come, and my repentance see.


Lord now let me depart in peace,

Mat. 5. 16.

I feele thy rod, I finde thy loue:

My paines doe grow, my ioyes encrease,
this mercie comes from thee aboue.


Luk. 2. 29.

My sickenes is a present meane,

to heale and cure my wounds of sin:
Lord purge all my corruptions cleane,
and let my death, my life begin.