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A Hyve Fvll of Hunnye

Contayning the Firste Booke of Moses, called Genesis. Tvrned into English Meetre, by VViliam Hunnis

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[Cap. 17.]

The Contentes of the XVII. Chapter.

The name of Abram, and his VVyfe,
here chaunged shall you see.
The Canaan Lande is promised,
the fourth tyme, his to be.
Howe Circumcision first beganne,
this Chapter shall you tell:
To Abram, Isacke promisde is
who prays for Ismaell.



When Ninty Yeares of Abrams age
and Nine, were run and gone:
So that hee was to count vpon,
an Hundreth Yeares saue one.


The Lord to Abram did appeere,
and thus to him did saye,
I am the Lorde th' Almighty God,
before mee walke the waye:
And bee thou perfecte in thy course:
for I will make this Day,


My blessed Bond, twene me and thee,
and will thee multiply:
So that thy Seede the Earth shal fill,
and that exceedingly.


And Abram fell vpon his face,
wyth meeke and lowly cheere.
And God stil talked yet wyth him,
and sayd as doth appeere.


Abram, behold I am with the,
my testament also:
And thou a Father shalt be made,
of Nacions great to growe.


And neuer shal fromhence thy name
be Abram any more:
But Abraham thy name shalbe,
make glad thy selfe therfore:


For I a father haue the made
of nations many a one.
And I wil make the grow so great,
as yet was neuer none.


So many shal the nations be,
that I of the wil make:
Yea Kinges shal come and springe of the,
this wil I for thy sake.



My Bonde moreouer will I make,
betwene my selfe and thee,
And eke thy side in kinred theyrs,
that after thee shalbe.


And by an euerlasting wyll.
this Bond haue I decreed.
That I a God to the may be,
and after thee, thy Seede.


And I wil geue to the and thine,
that after the shal growe,
The Land wherein a stranger thou
yet to and fro dost goe.


Euen al the Lande of Canaan.
for euer shal they haue:
And I will be to them their God,
and heare them when they craue.


Therefore (sayd God) see that thou keepe,
my testament wyth the.
Both thou, and thine, shall the succeede,
in kinreds as they be.


And this is now my testament,
I wil you to be donne,
Twene me and you, and twyxt thy seede
that after thee shall come:


I will that you shall Circumcise,
ech Manchilde, that is borne
Amonge you, in your Kinreddes all,
as I haue sayd beforne.


And you the Foreskin of your Flesh
shal Circumcise also,
Which of the Bonde a signe shalbe
tweene mee and you, to knowe.


And euery Manchilde you amonge,
that Eight Dayes olde shalbe,


Likewise shall Circumcised bee,
as I haue sayd to thee.


And such as in your Kinreddes are,
and borne at home, in deede:
And such as be with Mony boughte.
of Straungers from thy seede,


I saye, the man borne in thy House,
and hee with Money bought,
Must needes all Circumcised bee,
as I before haue taught.


And in your fleshe my Testament
a Signe shalbe most sure
Of this same Bond tweene mee and you,
for euer to endure.
The Man Childe eke, that's borne with you,
that is not Circumcised,
In order such, and at such time,
as I haue you aduised,


That soule shall perishe from the rest,
because he broken hath
My Testament I made with thee,
and turnde himselfe to skath.


And God sayd vnto Abraham,
thou shalt not call thy Wife
Sarai, but Sara is her name
from hence forth all her life.


And I will blesse her, (sayth the Lord)
and haue geuen thee a Sonne
That shall proceede, and come of her,
that neuer erst was done:


Upon her People eke likewise,
I will such blessinges bringe,


As out of her shal Nations great
and kinges of people springe.


But Abraham fell on his face,
and to hymselfe did smyle,
And in the secrete of his harte,
thus sayd within a while.


And shall a Childe be born to him,
that's olde an hundreth yere?
Shal Sara eke, th'ats Nynety yere,
be able for to beare?
O Lord that Ismaell myght liue,
and in thy sight appeare.


To whom God sayd, Sara thy wife,
shall beare a Sonne indeede:
And Isahac thou shalt him call:
a plante euen of thy seede.


And I will make my band wyth him,
an euerlasting band,
And wyth his future seede to come,
that euermore shal stande.


Concernyng Ismaell thy Sonne,
I haue the heard also,
I haue him blest and will him make,
for to Encrease and growe:
And will hys seede much multiply,
exceding great in showe.


For Princes twelue shal he beget,
this will I for thy sake,
And I of him and of his seede
a Nacion great wil make.


My bond I'le make wyth Isahac,
Whych Sara shal thee bryng:
Just twelue monthe hence, at this same tyme,
shall happen so the thynge.


And god went vp from Abraham,
and left to talke with him:


Then Abraham tooke Ismael
his sonne which Hagar brought,
And such as in his house were borne,
or were for mony bought.


As many as men children were,
among his houshold all,
He Circumcised them eche one,
as God did say, thou shal:


I say the fleshe of theyr foreskinne
in lowe and humble wise,
Upon the Day God poynted had,
hee did them Circumcise.


And Abraham, himselfe also,
an hundreth yeres saue one
Was, when the fleshe of his foreskinne
was cut away and gone.


And Ismael, was of the age
of thyrtene yeres, to show,
When as the foreskinne of his fleshe
was Cyrcumcised so.


The selfe same Day, was Abraham
and Ismael, his sonne,
And al the menne borne in his house,
that did together wonne,


And such as were for mony bought,
that in his house did byde,
I say they were wyth Abraham,
together Circumcis'd.