A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||
Patience respecting Errours.
When such bright Glorious Candles flame, one'd thinkeMen should inlightned be, yea, should they winke;
Patience therefore is exercised high
When in this Shine men clearly go awry.
Tainted with Spots, in Errours oft are found.
The Great and brave Turtullian that did plead
Christ Cause by Choice Apologies to lead
Men persecuting to a gentler minde,
Unto Montanist Errours is inclin'de.
Nay many other strange absurdities
Run through his Pen as spots upon him rise.
That Brave-Brave Cyprian whose glory Chimes
Like Musick and smells Rosy like His times
Were graced with him: yet he did mentain
Rebaptization, and ran in that strain
A Carthage Councill which Consisted then
Of Bishops Sixty, Priests and Deacons, men
Of Common sort it is not said how many.
He also as Montanus held when any
Baptized were, they must anncinted bee
He gave too much to Works: the Will held Free.
That mighty, learned pious Origen
Thy Glory, Egypt, very few such men
Is dapled yet with many streaks, and blurs
Which as ill Juyce the sick man's mouth up furs
Do often marr the Readers mouth, although
Whether these blots are his its hard to show.
His Works sophisticated are its known,
Hence fathers Bastards: brats none of his own.
Yet in his notes he an Alladist is
More than is meet wherein he sure did miss,
And slipt with Peters sadly, which had bin
As hard to Peter as it was with him
Had Peter been of Alexadrine Church
Or Christ had given him but such a lurch.
That Famous Dionysius who did stay
And feed the Church of Alexandria
Is judgd to lay, wanting an heedfull Eye
The stepping stone to th'Arian Heresy
And Beryll that the Bostrian Ring adornd
Thus spotted was, holding that Christ not born
Nor in the Virgin yet Concieved possesst
Not a subsistence in the Fathers breast
Distinguisht from his own, although he were
By Origen reduc'de to shine more cleare
Methodius of Tyre is also found
Of Righteousnes by natures Law unsound
And Theodore Calld Thaumaturg whose Shine
At NeoCesaria was bright Divine
Did strangely yet touching Gods Providence
Dream things that hardly hold a savory sense.
But let me stop my pen. Enough of this
Whereby Gods exercisd by faults in his.
A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||