University of Virginia Library


The Authors Answer.

So to dead Hector boyes may doe disgrace,
That durst not look upon his living face.
So worst of men behinde their betters back
May stretch mens names and credit on the rack.
Good friend, our generall tye to him that's gone,
Should love the man that yearly doth him mone:
The Authors zeale and place he now doth hold,
His love and duty makes him be thus bold
To offer this poor mite, his Anniverse
Unto his good great Masters scared Herse:
The which he doth with priviledge of name,
Whilst others 'midst their Ale in Corners blame.
A penny-worth in Print they never made,
Yet think themselves as good as Pond or Dade,
One Anniverse; when thou hast done thus twice,
Thy words among the best will be of Price.
Dr. Price.