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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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To the Countrey where he lyes.

To the Countrey where he lyes.

Of Buchan ground thou hes in graue thy glore,
And of thy Lairds the light within thee lyes:
Thou keeps his corps that best could thee decore,
And was be vote (amongs the wisest) wyse,
Thou does depresse that causd thee to arise,
And made thy Fame in everie Firth to flee,
His Trophee then Eternall maks thee twise,
First that thou bred one worthie such as hee,
Next that his bones should in thee buried bee;
And though thou Earth, his earthlie joints enjoy,
Devised, made, and destinate to die,
Yet doubtles death dow never his deeds destroy:
For thought ye both do your deuour in this,
Fame and Remembrance shall amend your mis.