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Instructions for Parish Priests

By John Myrc [i.e. Mirk]. Edited from Cotton MS. Claudius A. II, by Edward Peacock

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De superbia.

Hast þou any tyme wytyngly,
I-wrathþad þy god greuowsly?
Hast þow ben inobedyent
A-gayn goddes cummawndement?
Hast þou for pruyde I-set at noght
Hym þat hath þe gode I-taght?


Hast þou any tyme bost I-mad,
Of any good þat þou hast had
Only of þyn owne wyt,
When god hym self ȝaf þe hyt?
Hast thow forsake þyn owne gult,
And on a-noþer þe blame I-pult?
Hast þou feynet the holy
By ypocryse and foly?
Hast þou any tyme I-feynet þe
Gode and holy on to se,
In hope on þat maner to huyde
Boþe þy synne and þy pruyde?
Hast þow any tyme I-take on þe
Any gode dede of charyte
Þat was a-noþer monnes doynge,
And of þyn no maner þynge?
Hast þow ay oppresset þy neghbour
For to gete þe honour?
Hast þou I-schend hys gode fame
For to gete þe a gode name?
Hast þou also prowde I-be
Of any vertu þat god ȝaf þe?
For þy voys was gode & hye.
Or for þy wyt was gode & slye,
Or for hys herus were cryspe & longe,
Or for þow hast a renabulle tonge,
[Or for thy body is fayr and long,
Or for þou art white & strong,]
Or for þy flesch ys whyte and clene,
Or any syche degre to say at ene?
Hast þou be prowde and eke of port
For tryste of lady and eke of lord?
Hast þou be prowde of worschype or gode,
Or for þow come of grete blode?


Hast þou any tyme þe prodder þe mad,
For any ofyce þat þow hast had?
Hast þow be prowde gostely?
Telle me, sone, baldely.
Of mekenes of pacyens or of pyte,
Of pouert of largenes or of chastyte,
And oþer vertues mony mo
Wayte lest þou haue synget in þo.
Hast þow any tyme wyth herte prowd
A-noþeres synne I-spoken owt,
And þyn entencyone syche was,
Þat þy synne schulde seme þe las?
Hast þou ben prowde & glad in thoght
Of any mysdede þat þou hast wroȝt?
Hast þou ben prowde of any gyse
Of any þynge þat þou dedust vse,
Of party hosen of pykede schone,
Of fytered cloþes as foles done,
Of londes rentes of gay howsynge,
Of mony seruauntes to þy byddynge,
Or of hors fat and rownde,
Or for þy godes were hole & sownde,
Or for þow art gret and ryche
Þat no neȝbore ys þe I-lyche,
Or for þow art a vertues mon,
And const more þen a-noþer con?
Ȝef þou haue be on þys maner prowd,
Sehryf þe sone and telle hyt out.
Hast þou any tyme by veyn glory
I þoght þy self so holy,
Þat þow hast had any dedeyn
Of oþer synfulle þat þou hast seyn?