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[Twixt reuerence and desire, how am I vexed?]

Twixt reuerence and desire, how am I vexed?
Now prone to lay ambitious handes on beautie,
Now hauing seare to my desires annexed,
Now haled on by hope, now staid by dutie.
Emboldned thus, and ouerrulde in striuing.
To gaine the soueraine good my heart desireth:
I liue a life, but in effect no liuing,
Since dread subdues desire that most aspireth.
Tho must I bide the combate of extreames,
Faine to enioy, yet fearing to offend,
Like him that striues against resisting streames,
In hope to gaine the harbor in the end:
Which hauen hir grace, which happy grace enioyed
Both reuerence, and desire, are well employed.