University of Virginia Library

[To light hearts only such light mirth belongs]

How shall we sing the Lords song in a strange land? Psal. 137 4.

To light hearts only such light mirth belongs:
Our fortune weeping will allow no songs.
These rivets yield us the fitt'st musick: we
Account their murmures our best harmony:
In them the Embleme of our fate appears:
Their murmures show our groans, their streams our tears.
How shall we sing in a strange land? our tongues
Benumm'd with sorrow, are unfit for songs.
He profanes sacred melody, that dares
To sing in anguish, and mix Sighs with Ayres.
Our unregarded Harps hung up you see,
Like Trophees, to adorn griefs victory.


Our Ears so glutted with continuall Moans,
Can't relish th' Sweetnesse of such pleasant Tones.
Then Mirth farewell! our mournfull Gestures shall
Still solemnize our Countryes Funerall.
Whilst she, a Captive, lives a wofull Death,
We wo'nt, by Songs, let any Joy draw breath:
Unlesse once more that Queen of Cities Raigne,
Wee'l ne're lift up our Drooping Heads againe.