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Divine Poems

Written By Thomas Washbourne

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Psalm 73. 35.


Psalm 73. 35.

Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee.

Have I not many things in heaven and earth
Besides thee, that are worth
The having and desiring? Have I not
Some friends, some riches got,
Some honors too, and may increase my store
Of all these three yet more?
Excuse me then (my God) if that I pray,
And covet somewhat else for to enjoy.
Besides these earthly there are things in heaven
Which for my use are given;
The Sun, and Moon and Stars, which do dispense
Their light, heat, influence;
Angels and Saints to whom in my distress
May I not make addresse?
Excuse me then (my God) if I repair
To these sometimes as objects of my praier.
Yet when I think a little better on
these things, I find there's none
That can compared be to thee; for friends,
They are for private ends,
And do me courtesies, because I do
Courtesies for them too:
But thou a faithful friend wast unto me
When by my sins I was thine enemy.
For Riches, they are subject to decay,
And quickly fade away.


Honours are bubbles, which the breath of men
Browes in and out agen.
Nor those, nor these any true vertue have,
Body or soul to save:
But thou my Riches and my honours art,
That savest both, and dost from neither part.
The Sun, Moon, Stars are goodly creatures, yet
As they rise, so they set;
The Saints triumphant happy Creatures are,
But know not how I fare.
The Angels glorious, yet but finite, seeing
They have from thee their being;
Thou art my Sun which only I adore,
Who once didst rise from death to set no more.
Thou art all Saints in one, they have from thee
Alone their sanctity;
Thou art the Angel of the Covenant,
And wilt not let me want;
Thou mad'st me with thy word, and with thy blood
Redeem'dst me: none so good,
So great as thee in earth or heaven abides,
And therefore I desire none besides.