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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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Of Edwardes of the Chappell.

Deuyne Camenes
that wt your sacred food,
Haue fed and fo-
sterde vp from tender yeares,
A happye man,
that in your fauour stoode
Edvvards in Courte
that can not fynde his feares
Your names be blest,
that in this present age
So fyne a head,
by Arte haue framed out
Whom some hereaf-
ter helpt by Poets rage,
Perchaunce maye matche,
but none shall passe (no doubt)
O Plautus yf
thou wert alyue agayne,
That Comedies
so fynely dydste endyte.

Or Terence thou
that with thy plesaunt brayne,
The hearers mynde
on stage dydst much delyght.
What wold you say
syrs if you should beholde,
As I haue done
the doyngs of this man?
No word at all,
to sweare I durst be bolde,
But burne with teares,
that which with myrth began,
I meane your bookes,
by which you gate your name,
To be forgot,
you wolde commit to flame.
Alas I wolde
Edvvards more tell thy prayse,
But at thy name
my muse amased stayes.