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Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie

as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or Seuerall, mixed in euerie Month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser

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A digression to husbandlie furniture.


Barne furniture.

Barne locked, gofe ladder, short pitchforke and long,

Flaile, strawforke and rake, with a fan that is strong:
Wing, cartnaue and bushel, peck, strike readie hand,
get casting sholue, broome, and a sack with a band.


Stable furniture.

A stable wel planked, with key and a lock,

walles stronglie wel lyned, to beare off a knock:
A rack and a manger, good litter and haie,
sweete chaffe, and some prouender euerie daie.


A pitchfork, a doongfork, seeue, skep and a bin,
a broome and a paile to put water therein:
A handbarow, wheelebarow, sholue and a spade,
a currie combe, mainecombe, and whip for a Iade.


A buttrice and pincers, a hammer and naile,
an aperne and siszers for head and for taile:
Hole bridle and saddle, whit lether and nall,
with collers and harneis, for thiller and all.


A panel and wantey, packsaddle and ped,
a line to fetch litter, and halters for hed:


With crotchis and pinnes, to hang trinkets theron,
and stable fast chained, that nothing be gon.


Strong exeltred cart, that is clouted and shod,

Cart furniture.

cart ladder and wimble, with percer and pod:
Wheele ladder for haruest, light pitchfork and tough,
shaue, whiplash wel knotted, and cartrope ynough.


Ten sacks, whereof euerie one holdeth a coome,

A Coeme is halfe a quarter.

a pulling hooke handsome, for bushes and broome:
Light tumbrel, and doong crone, for easing sir wag,
sholue, pickar, and mattock, with bottle and bag.


A grinstone, a whetstone, a hatchet and bil,

Husbandry tooles.

with hamer and english naile, sorted with skil:
A frower of iron, for cleauing of lath,
with roule for a sawpit, good husbandrie hath.


A short saw, and long saw, to cut a too logs,
an ax and a nads, to make troffe for thy hogs:
A Douercourt beetle, and wedges with steele,
strong leuer to raise vp, the block fro the wheele.


Two ploughs & a plough chein, ij. culters, iij. shares

Plough furniture.

with ground cloutes, & side clouts, for soile yt so tares:
With ox bowes and oxyokes, and other things mo,
for oxteeme and horseteeme, in plough for to go.


A plough beetle, ploughstaff, to further the plough,
great clod to a sunder that breaketh so rough:
A sled for a plough, and another for blocks,
for chimney in winter, to burne vp their docks.


Sedge collers for ploughhorse, for lightnes of neck,
good seede and good sower, and also seede peck:
Strong oxen and horses, wel shod and wel clad,
wel meated and vsed, for making thee sad.


A barlie rake toothed, with yron and steele,
like paier of harrowes, and roler doth weele:


A sling for a moether, a bowe for a boy,
a whip for a carter, is hoigh de la roy.


Haruest tooles.

A brush sithe, and grasse sithe, with rifle to stand,

a cradle for barlie, with rubstone and sand:
Sharpe sikle and weeding hooke, haie fork and rake,
a meake for the pease, and to swinge vp the brake.


Short rakes for to gather vp barlie to binde,
and greater to rake vp, such leauings behinde:
A rake for to hale vp, the fitchis that lie,
a pike for to pike them vp, handsom to drie.


A skuttle or skreine, to rid soile fro the corne,
and sharing sheares readie, for sheepe to be shorne:
A fork and a hooke, to be tampring in claie,
a lath hammer, trowel, a hod, or a traie.


Strong yoke for a hog, with a twicher and rings,
with tar in a Tarpot, for dangerous things:
A sheepe marke, a tar kettle, little or mitch,
two pottles of tar, to a pottle of pitch.


Longladder to hang al along by the wal,
to reach for a neede, to the top of thy hal:
Beame, scales, with the weights, that be sealed & true,
sharp moulspare with barbs, yt the mowles do so rue.


Sharpe cutting spade, for the deuiding of mow,
with skuppat and skauel, that marsh men alow:
A sickle to cut with, a didall and crome,
for draining of ditches, that noies thee at home.


A clauestock, and rabetstock, carpenters craue,
and seasoned timber, for pinwood to haue:
A Iack for to saw vpon, fewell for fier,
for sparing of firewood, and sticks fro the mier.


Soles, fetters, & shackles, with horselock and pad,
a cow house for winter, so meete to be had:


A stie for a bore, and a hogscote for hog,
a roost for thy hennes, and a couch for thy dog.
Here endeth husbandlie furniture.