University of Virginia Library

HESPERVS HIS CONFESSION, written in Latin by the Sayd Syr Thomas Moore.

Hesperus his faulty liuelood too cal toe recounting
Mynding, too be shriuen with woont accustomed hastned.
When that he told playnely, what crym's most sinful he practisd,
Yeet thee goastlye father laboring more deepelye toe ransack
His formere liuing; by distinct article asked
Eu'rye syn, and naming by peecemeal curius eche fault,
At leingth demaunded, wheather, with sorcerye blinded,
Erst he beleefe yeelded toe the bugs infernal? here aunswerd
Hesperus: holye father, doe ye thinck me soe madlye bewitched
Too beleue in the deuils? I tel you truelye, toe great payn's
Stil I take enduring, in God yeet scantlye beleeuing.