University of Virginia Library



Jack-in-the-Pulpit preached to-day,
His congregation came on wings—
Thoughts of far-off wild pink roses,
And other diaphanous thoughts with stings,
Thoughts of investigative nettles,
Of blackberry bushes cut and slashed,
Thoughts of distant poison ivies,
Came all the way with their green teeth gnashed,
Thoughts of serpents, of whippoorwills,
Thoughts of dragon flies, wasps, and bees,
And thoughts of sour old apple trees.
A flattering crowd, from the whole wide woods,
All much alike, these thoughts, these wings,
Forgot that they had teeth and stings.
Our Jack read scripture from the skies;
Our Jack preached, “Put your stings away,
“Be like little clouds at play.”
They liked Jack's eloquence. They said:
“How well that scripture verse was read!
“He thunders like his papa thundered,
“And like his papa nods his head!


“The farmer's bull should hear this man!
“That bull needs preachers just like these
“To bring him to his wicked knees!”