University of Virginia Library




A little boy, five years of age, said the following words. He had never seen the ocean, and had never lost a friend. His mother was astonished at his language, and wrote exactly as he spoke.

Oh, God, pray thee let me go to heaven!
I will be a good boy.
To the skies, to the skies I must go;
If I be a bad boy, I cannot go to heaven,
When I go to heaven, I'll be an angel,
And with the wings I'll fly where I please.
Oh, God, I wish I would be a good boy!
What do you see coming?
A boat—a boat—a boat, my friend!
Coming up? No—going down.
But, ah, I was mistaken!


Now it does not come to land,
And now I have no joy.
When I came from o'er the sea
I was so very glad,
But now I am so very sorry,
Because my friend is dead:
When did I come from the sandy sea?
In summer, when the flowers were springing up.