University of Virginia Library

[VI. Dear lavish blossoms that light the Junes]

Dear lavish blossoms that light the Junes,
And fold our fields with the tender haze
Of those pure petals that grow like rays
From the downy rims of their golden moons,


Pale throngs that the suave wind ripples through
With the placid surges of sleeping lakes,
Bright largess that fresh young summer makes,
In her sweet wise way, out of morning dew,
O daisies, dainty and coyly prim,
When I watch you blooming I always seem
To be wandering back, in a drowsy dream,
Where the meadows of childhood glimmer dim!
The meadows that manhood sees no more,
The meadows of story and of song,
Where little Red Riding Hood trips along,
To knock at her grandam's cottage-door!
Where the ghost of Bo-Peep goes roaming, too,
And seeks her flock while she rubs both eyes,—
The meadows where elfin echoings rise
From the phantom horn of Little Boy Blue!
The meadows of innocence, mirth and rhyme,
Lying far aloof from the world's wide din,
The bounteous meadows that never have been,
Yet will always be, till the end of time!