University of Virginia Library



It was sin, sin, sin,
Gross and shameless, I admit,
And I grant you full scope in
Your anathemas of it.
I was no fool, and saw
My folly ere I fell,
A woman reared too well
Not to know the rigid law.
It is just that I should pay
The bitter forfeit now—
See the shocked world turn away
With cold eyes and knit brow.
I should treat them, in their place,
Quite as harshly for such sin;
They should get no grain of grace
From the wife that I have been.


Even this, too, I could bear:
That he, my mate in wrong,
Meets no arraigning stare
From the same capricious throng. ...
But that he gains, forsooth,
A dash of caste and tone—
When I think upon that truth,
I clinch my teeth and groan!