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“As thy Day, so shall thy Strength be.”—Mrs. Sigourney.

When adverse winds and waves arise,
And in my heart despondence sighs,—
When life her throng of care reveals,
And weakness o'er my spirit steals,—
Grateful I hear the kind decree,
That “as my day, my strength shall be.”
When, with sad footstep, memory roves
Mid smitten joys, and buried loves,—
When sleep my tearful pillow flies,
And dewy morning drinks my sighs,—
Still to thy promise, Lord, I flee,
That “as my day, my strength shall be.”
One trial more must yet be past,
One pang,—the keenest, and the last;
And when, with brow convulsed and pale,
My feeble, quivering heart-strings fail,
Redeemer, grant my soul to see
That “as her day, her strength shall be.”