University of Virginia Library



Shine on, bright stars with sparkling light!
Shine in yon heavenly dome,
Illume the skies, with splendor bright,
In my celestial home!
Ye sparkling gems, of sapphire hue,
That stud the skies afar,
All glowing like the summer's dew,
Shine on, ye faithful stars!
Shine on, for as I view the sight,
Thy bright gleam cast before,
My weary soul yearns for that Light,
Which shines from heaven's bright shore.
It is a bright, and glorious star,
Whose splendor o'er us fall,
My soul perceives it from afar,
His light illumes them all.
It gives the color to the flowers,
Whose odor sweet doth yield:
Provides with nourishment each hour,
The lilies of the field.


And weary travelers 'neath this Light,
Day after day are led;
Their blinded eyes receive new sight,
Their hungry souls, are fed.
Then spread abroad thy glorious light,
With rarest blessings stored!
Illume my weary soul by night,
With peace and sweet accord!