University of Virginia Library



Truth sits enthroned within the sacred Word,
Since time was born, her accents have been heard,
Bringing men peace, enlightenment and joy,
Giving the heart and mind a sweet employ.
Those who have sought, have found a friend of worth,
Gentle, refined, a queen of noble birth.
Oh! Truth Inspired! how rich and full thy store!
Possessing thee, what can we wish for more?
Through thee we trace the way the Ancients trod,
How they were led in providence of God;
How they expand, are scattered far and wide,
After deliv'rance from the surging tide.
Following thee in deep humility,
Thou dost reveal—oh! depth of mystery!
The mighty God, and King of heaven above,
Father Divine, in wondrous, holy love,
Making with man a covenant of grace,
Op'ning the way to save a fallen race.
Never again shall He destroy with flood,
That He declared at first was very good;
And on the clouds, a pledge of Truth Divine,
He sets His bow, an everlasting sign.
Filled with delight, the father of a race
Enters the way, through wine, of dark disgrace;
In nakedness before his grandson's eyes,
Standeth exposed—how can he but despise


One who forgets his spiritual birth?
Forgets that God chose him of all the earth,
Prophet to be, and priest of righteousness,
To preach the truth, and thus the world to bless.
But now his lips in malediction move,
Anathema, where nought should be but love;
And so the child is cursed for grandsire's crime,
Himself, and his descendants for all time:
“Servant of servants e'er shall Canaan be”—
Punishment dire for thoughtless levity.
Three sons had Noah: all within the ark
Secured a place, in safety to embark
Across the flood, that they in joy might see
A period new in the world's history.
The surname of the elder son was Shem;
The appellation of the second, Ham,
And Japheth was the third—each with his wife
Believed God's word, and thus insured his life.
Shem journeyed east to make himself a home
On Asia's soil, and there he ceased to roam.
Japheth to the north and west his footsteps bent,
For him the scenic land of Europe lent
Her charms his mind and spirit to beguile,
And there he paused and rested for awhile.
Ham journeyed southward to the Syrian shore;
Arabia's plains his sandaled footprints bore,
And Africa, with all its wealth untold,
Its precious woods, its ivory and gold—
Spread out in unimagined bounty rare,
Its gifts to him, its treasures rich and fair.


Here settled Ham, and early in these parts,
Flourished the noblest sciences and arts;
Vast pyramids, construct with wondrous skill,
Which stand to-day a questioning wonder still!
What men are these, who built this mighty pile,
With labyrinths most marvellous in style?
What men are these, who fully understand
Geometry and mathematics grand?
Who, through the summit-opening, afar,
Can, ev'n at midday spy the Polar-star?
What men are these? Most surely, it is plain,
Men of rich culture, intellect and brain.
These are the men to whom we look with pride—
Our ancestry; in sciences the guide
To all the world—no need is there of shame,
No reason why we should despise our name!
Then let us all scan well the historic page,
Tracing the line direct from age to age;
Thus gaining light, encouragement and zeal,
That in life's work, our hearts may always feel
A conscious power, a manhood pure and free,
Which is in truth the highest liberty!