University of Virginia Library



This filibustering nonsense
In the nation's senate hall
Is simply one more step
To the nation's final fall.
All those unhappy phrases
They should try to set aright
Are dwelt upon with mighty force
To make as dark as night.
A just investigation
To show the brighter side
Is never made by those who strive
Forever to deride.
The Negro's moral standard
Sir, has never been as low
As those destructive lynchers'
Hearts who never strive to know
Whether it was a crime or not.
They're simply satisfied
To pass their own weak judgment,
They crave the Negro's hide.
There's no clan in America
Whose moral pathway's filled
With thorns as is the Negro's
And he must tread at will.
America's Christianity's
Not recognized by Him
Who came to earth to die for man
And give him Christian trim.
Her body's broken by disease,
Her conscience seared with crime;


A mind and soul of cruelty
To cap the heathen climes.
And in the light of all these things,
It is a poor spirit
To point with Christian horror
But never try to prohibit.
Ah! What a reckless nation,
What an undisciplined child,
Noble, but something tricky,
Doing some things that are wild.
O white man! have you any heart?
And did you ever sigh?
And did your senses ever start
By the Negro's wailing cry?