University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

The column in yesterday's
Cavalier Daily, "In the Pursuit of
Happiness," is, in its perversion of
libertarian ideals, similar to the
recent attempt by anti-flag wavers
to restrict freedom of expression to
what they wanted expressed.

That Mr. Weir bases his rationale
for legalizing prostitution upon
some vague idea that it is in accord
with women's liberation is absurd.
Admittedly the current laws on
prostitution are in large part
damaging and unrealistic. It is also
deplorable that one who practices
prostitution is seen by our society
as a social outcast, and as inferior.

The fact remains, however, that
she is seen in that regard and will
continue to be seen that way for
some time regardless of changes in
our laws. With this in mind. I fail to
see how legalizing prostitution will
help to, in Mr. Weir's words,
"liberate all women and allow them
to earn a decent living."

It also seems particularly
cavalier and shortsighted that Mr.
Weir has not considered that selling
the use of one's body (either from
economic necessity or for other
reasons) to whomever pays the
price is the type of "work" which
lends itself to exploitation. The
attitude of the entire article rooked
of male chauvinism.

Walt Bennett
Law 3