University of Virginia Library


It was with that assurance in
mind that the student members of
the committee eagerly awaited the
first meeting of this year. Much to
their amazement they were told
by the Chairman of the committee,
Vice-President David Shannon, that
the committee would be examining
only those aspects of growth that
related to academics-quality of the
faculty and so forth. Somewhere
along the line someone had
reneged on last year's promise.

The most important result of
this limited charge given to the
committee is to provide no forum
for students, faculty and
administrators to discuss growth
problems. There is no other single
committee that can possibly have
responsibility for these problems.

The students have been shut out.
What happens now that the
burdens that students are forced to
shoulder because of growth are not
to be discussed? Other tactics must
be resorted to, that is boycotts,
rallies, sleep-ins on the lawn and the
like. These latter tactics will not be
rational discussion of the issues as
desired by the students but appear
to be the only remaining way to
demonstrate concern and desire for

Aside from committees that do
not meet, and those that meet but
do so with cleverly restricted
charges, there are those which
should not even be in existence.
There is the Special Lectures each
year, and there are other
committees in this area.