University of Virginia Library

Poodah Papers

Dear Sir:

Re: enclosed ad in the CD,
Thursday, September 30.

We do research. Papers
prepared by staff of experts
on every conceivable subject.
Will tailor to your need. Write
Educational Research Ass.,
126 3rd St. S.F., Washington,
D.C. 20003, - or call 202

I am bothered by your
acceptance of this ad. Does this
express your views on the honor

Jo Anne Hilson
Class of 1969

(The above advertisement was
run as a paid classified ad in
Cavalier Daily of September 30. It
does not express the editorial
opinion of the newspaper. After
conferring with The Honor
Committee concerning the
relationship of the advertisement to
the honor system.
The Cavalier
Daily decided not to run the ad
after that date.
