University of Virginia Library

Michigan Massacre

"Now, I understand, Crabby,
that you were at what has come to
be known as The Great Michigan

"Shoot. I was there. What a

"Could you tell us about it, if it
isn't too painful?"

"Well, when I woke up Saturday
morning in Ann Arbor, the Chief
Cavalier asked me to go up on a
mountain with him. We got up there
and he stretched out on the ground,
looked up at the sky, and said, "It's
a good day for dying."

"And after that?"

"Well, as for the game, I spent
the first half crying."

"How did you spend the

"On my knees."

"Praying for a miracle?"

"No, just for the lives of our
players. Boy, those Wolverines were

"I take it that you didn't enjoy
the trip?"

"It was damned embarrassing. I
mean, what's the point in going
into a game if you know there's no
chance of winning. You look
unbelievably ridiculous before
80,000 people. What fun is that?
It's like Lane High School trying to
play the Baltimore Colts."