University of Virginia Library

Dear Friends,

On behalf of Alley Friends and
myself, I want to share our
appreciation of your involvement
on May First. The Happy Day
happening was a success only
through the combined energies of
many people. But HAPPINESS
IS...more than simply a one-day
celebration. If you were there, you
must have felt the spirit. That's
what we must cultivate through
more harmonious interrelationships
with our environment-both
Nature's and Man's. Social
community ought to be a lasting
feeling, not a temporary affair.
Creating this sense of unity
individually is an inherently limited
endeavor; the change in
consciousness must be on a massive
scale. Happenings help.

We realize that this type of
experience is alien to
Charlottesville, despite Tom's
intentions. However, we have
seen/felt that it can happen. In the
future, when the call goes out for a
collective channelling of energies,
respond. A small core had to
provide constant stimulus; we
ought to have been able to become
catalysts once the reaction began.
Unfortunately, the reaction did not
become active until Saturday.
Imagine the untapped potential!

I propose that such happenings
ought to occur every spring in
Charlottesville. Everyone should
participate, devote some energy (or
money; there is still over $1500 in
unpaid bills due). Act on your own
initiative, then compile all the
inputs on the festival day. Bring in
amplified music, regardless of
hypocritical administrative policy.
(Air hammers tearing up sidewalks
make a louder, more obnoxious
noise.) Music can creatively and
constructively channel spontaneous
energy into a unified spirit. (But
Mr. Williams and his administrative
cohorts wouldn't even hear of it.)

Simply, make something more
of your selves. You've seen a flash
of the possibilities. (Possibility has
been defined as partial
conditionally. You can help
determine your fate by creating
conducive conditions-an
atmosphere of free expression.)
Assert this power and begin living
more fully. HAPPINESS IS...only a

Steve Samusson
Alley Friends