University of Virginia Library

"Yeah," D. Alan

Dear Sir:

I am more than upset about the
personal attacks upon D. Alan
Williams made by student leaders.
An ex-member of one of his history
classes, I have found him to be
sincerely interested in and helpful
toward his students. Despite his
full-time administrative position, he
has never lacked time to discuss his
students' concerns, both personal
and academic. After reading the
course evaluations last semester, he
promised to structure his course
more to our liking. I am by no
means defending any of his policies
as vice-president; concerning these I
lack both knowledge and interest.
But heaping personal abuse on one
man as the devil of the
administration is immature and
fruitless. In light of Mr. Williams'
sincere concern for students, it is
also tragic.

John Dougherty
Grad. 1