University of Virginia Library

Astrological Manual For Sex
Provides Great Solace To All

By Gray Stiff
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Virginia students who perhaps
have been encountering difficulties
in their affairs of the flesh now
have cause for great rejoicing, for
there is a book just published which
should be a great solace to us all.
Entitled Astrology and Sexual
this revealing
work thrusts bold new shafts of
light into those dank, dusky
crevices of erotic endeavor that
other sordid manuals ignore.

The author of the book is none
other than Edward Anthony, crack
astrologer and master of the occult;
and it is obvious form the outset of
his work that this is not just
another cheap, commercial
"How-to-do-it" sex manual. Quite
the contrary, it might be described
as a "Here's-why-you-never-can-find-
sex guide. Within the
leaves of his text, in plain, simple,
everyday astrological language, Mr.
Anthony poses such scorching
queries as, "How will I know Mr.
Right when I see him?" and "I'm a
Leo. Should I become sexually
involved with a Scorpio?"

The solutions to these and other
mysteries are to be found in the
stars, Mr. Anthony tells us. As he
states, "Guided by your governing
planets, you'll discover the mate
you're seeking, and hopefully, will
fulfill your hearts desire."

Two Parts

The book is divided into two
parts. The first gives the reader a
brief introduction to the
wonderful, wacky, weird world of
astrology and offers us a few of the
more important precepts vital to a
rudimentary understanding of this
most mysterious art. The second
part paints a sexual portrait of each
of the twelve signs of the Zodiac,
and includes an important section
of the book, for in straightforward
terms Mr. Anthony tackles the
biggest question of them all, "Why
haven't you been getting any, fella?

Realizing that I was on the brink
of learning the source of my carnal
frustration, I madly rifled through
the book searching for the chapter
on Aries. It was there as I
breathlessly scanned the pages, that
I found out what my problems have
been: "The unrelenting energies of
Aries' ruling planet, Mars, tend to
influence natives negatively, often
causing them to scatter their efforts
and activities and dilute their sexual

I was, of course, immensely
relieved to discover that my pitiful
lack of bedroom escapades was
being caused by the ridiculous
antics of the planet Mars and not
by myself. Armed with this new
confidence, I proceeded to read on
in an attempt to discover why some
of my friends seem to have the
same problem as do I.

Poor Odds

Those unfortunates born under
the signs of Virgo or Gemini, I
learned, suffer from sexual lapses in
concentration created by their
tragic bondage to Mercury.
Children of Leo are cursed with
bouts of conceit and shallowness
which continually foul up their
sexual exploits; their troubles can
be traced to their pitiful
associations with the Sun. Cancers
and Libras are victimized by the
Moon and Jupiter, while Taurians
and Capricorns are plagued by
Venus and Neptune. Upon
concluding the book I was made to
see that the entire celestial system
is undoubtedly engaged in a
conspiracy to prevent myself and
other healthy Wahoos from falling
into the depths of sexual
permissiveness. How I ask, can you
beat odds like that?

We may realistically expect that
when many college students hear
the words of Mr. Anthony there
will be evoked a great insight into
the nature of a great many
problems besetting our lives today.
This book provides the reader with
an excellent explanation as to why
simple, sexual pleasure is so elusive
in today's troubled world. This
reviewer can only hope that Mr.
Anthony's work will be widely
received, particularly at our sister
schools in Harrisonburg and Buena