University of Virginia Library


Five minutes later we're under
arrest. Taking us to the Federal
Building, we're allowed to make
our phone calls, and then
questioned again. Sensing that this
might, unfortunately prove to be
the place where I "do my thing" in
Court. I agree to tell him

"Where are your Selective
Service cards?"

"What's Selective Service?"

"You know, your Draft cards."

"I wasn't aware that there was a
draft in a free society."

Agent A pops his head around
the corner, "You work for War
Resisters League too."

B looks at me and says again,
"Where are your cards?"

"Senator Tydings has them, I
refuse to carry them."

We're taken to the
Commissioner who reads us the
charges, we haven't yet spoken with
an attorney, and we refuse to allow
anything to proceed until we've
talked to one.

"Lock em up." At which point
we're handcuffed and taken to the
Tulsa County Jail, where we started
this story.

Tank door slams behind us.
"Choose a cell, call out the number,
I'll open the door" that's W, our
cellkeeper for the evening.

Two guys in 2, that's the only
open cell, "Open two' says T-,
the man on the bottom bunk.

"Open Two" we say.

(To Be Continued)