University of Virginia Library

Planned Projects

Planned projects such as an
American Heart Association drive, a
Multiple Sclerosis drive, the
upcoming IFC sponsored Circus for
Children at the Children's
Rehabilitation Center on May 1 and
the IFC Arthritis Drive to be kicked
off May 2, are encouraging signs of
an increase in activities. It will
indeed be interesting to see how
many houses will support this
project. A substantial effort by frat
men at this weekend's Circus would
be a welcome sign and would serve
to show a skeptical public that
fraternities are becoming actively
involved in a vital Community

The potential and means exist.
It is the inherent responsibility of
the University's fraternities to
utilize this potential in such a way
as to help the community and
rebuild their image. Judging from
recent experiences, the houses are
willing and capable to undertake a
significant community effort. With
a good showing this weekend,
fraternities could effectively
redirect some of their energies
towards a vital public interest.