University of Virginia Library

Hungry Savages

"But...but...but what about all
those hungry savages ready to cross
our borders and deflower our
women?" For those still concerned
about the well being of the world
and particularly these United States
there are several alternatives. We
can stop stealing these resources of
peoples in "underdeveloped"
countries and devastating their land
(oops, preventing the spread of
international Monolithic
communist terror) and trade our
positive technological information
for what resources we need. Or we
can do thy more logical step of
threatening to blow up the world if
we don't get our way. (Scientists
predict that in any large
thermonuclear conflict, i.e. more
than a few bombs, no life would
continue to exist anyway, so a
technological gap would not
prevent us from carrying out this
"Doomsday" policy).

That last suggestion is of course
tripe. If we're silly enough to allow
the military to continue on its
present course, (I am reminded of
an Ostrich running full tilt with its
head in the ground) then we're
equally likely to accept the
Doomsday proposal. If on the other
hand we want to continue on our
Spaceship Earth, and perhaps reach
some international harmony then
we have to behave responsibly
towards people all over the world.

A scenario of that order leaves
no room for Vietnams, Watts,
Palestines, or Soviet Persecution of
Jews or American persecution of
any and all minorities. That
scenario calls for logical and
humane use not only of our
resources, but of our people,
allowing them full freedom to
develop their inherent capabilities.

If you've read this article and
feel its generally preposterous, then
you're one of the April Fools it's
directed at; but if it rings a chime
of legitimacy even a little one; that
steps of a serious and
"revolutionary" nature must be
taken, then there's still some hope
for all of us. Decide for yourself.