University of Virginia Library

Contraception And Abortion

Several Pounds Of Cure

By Steve Grimwood
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Proceeding on the theory that
the new morality has finally
reached the University, the Ad Hoc
Committee for Contraception and
Abortion Information has
published a very informative book
entitled An Ounce Of Prevention a
How To Do It Safety pamphlet that
is now available to all students at
no cost.

Adding Information

First published at Duke
University, Ounce was edited by
Cynthia Merrill and Henry Wilson
for publication here at the
University, the "editing" consisting
of adding information as to where
one can obtain whatever is desired
in the way of contraception and
abortion in Charlottesville.

The "technical" information
offered in the book is for the most
part straight forward. How
pregnancy occurs, the menstrual
cycle, and venereal diseases are
described, but the most space is
given to methods of contraception.

Beginning with a short and
simple explanation of the rhythm
method, the book covers rubbers,
suppositories, foam, diaphragms,
IUD's, and the pill. All of these are
listed under reliable methods of
contraception. Each is explained
thoroughly, with a description,
instructions, who may use it,
acceptability, reliability,
side-effects, availability and cost.

Though pretty dry reading for
the most part, Ounce does have
occasional snatches of humor,
intentional or not. Condoms are
referred to as "a temporary or
emergency measure," which can
lead to all kinds of speculation.
Another gem is listing abstention
under unreliable methods of

Surprising Percentages

The authors also included an
editorial entitled "Will the College
Student. Use Contraception
Effectively?" They cite lack of
information, availability, or
sufficient motivation as the leading
causes for not using contraception.
Also listed are some surprising
percentages from the University of
North Carolina (75% of university
women will have sexual relations
before graduation.)

Though short and somewhat
oversimplified, Ounce will serve its
purpose as to giving the college
student information that he or she
may need. Many students have
neither the time nor the inclination
to wade through one of the
thousands or wordy, absurdly
technical volumes that are available
but rarely used. Ounce condenses
and simplifies the information
desired by most university students,
and in this way becomes an
invaluable asset to anyone's library.

Educational Programs

In the near future, additional
information will be forthcoming
concerning the dispensation of
contraception and abortion services
to full time female students at the
University. Further efforts are
being carried out to offer
comprehensive educational
programs in these areas to all
students enrolled here. Formulation
of these programs is under the
direction of Dr. U.G.Turner,
Department of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, University hospital.

An Ounce - Of Prevention is
available to all students. It can be
picked up at Newcomb Hall Desk,
Student Health or at the Emmet
and Tuttle post offices.
Recommend reading.