University of Virginia Library

Original Material

At the present approximately
half of the Toves' material is
original. Most of the writing is done
by organist Cordera, who is an
accomplished musician, with Smith
and Beyer contributing ideas. The
material that they didn't write is
arranged by them, almost to the
point where all that remains of the
original song is the words. The
Toves have delved back into the
1920's and come up with two songs
in particular that demonstrate the

group's creative talent: "Wine," and
"Black Magic Woman."

By the end of this year, The
Slithy Toves expect to be performing
only original material.

The Toves material is very
complex. They may change
rhythms three or four times during
one song, producing intricate tempo
patterns, or break into organ or
guitar solos with professional fluidly
and tightness that many groups
have spent years trying to achieve.

The variety in their music is
impressive. They feel that their
music offers something for every
musical taste whether it be jazz,
rock, blues, or even soul. They
believe they have combined the
best of all musical worlds into a
new, dynamic sound, which is pure
and clean.

The addition of Frienberg will
enable the Toves to offer more in
the way of vocals. Cordera does a
major part of the singing, including
harmonies, and Beyer sings most of
blues-type songs. Between the three
the Toves should be able to balance
their fine instrumental work with
adequate singing, something they
had trouble doing in the past.