University of Virginia Library

SOB Forms New Wing
For University WASPs

By Bob Brown


Walker Chandler, noted leader
of the now defunct Anarchist
Party, has appeared again with a
new political organization called
the Society for Oppression and
Bigotry, or the S.O.B.

Membership in the new organization
is limited to White Anglo-Saxon
Protestants, Segregationists
and converts to the "cause."
According to the constitution of
the organization, the meeting places
of the group will be located in
Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama,
South Carolina and the University
of Virginia.

Leaders of the organization are
planning to petition Student Council
for permission to form a
University chapter. The Society
plans to enlist such other organizations
as the John Birch Society, the
Ku Klux Klan, and the American
Nazi Party to its cause, along with
various already existing campus
organizations like the 3 Society.

Among other allies of the group
listed in the Preamble to the
Constitution are Adolf Hitler, G.
Lincoln Rockwell, and John
Wayne. Those against which the
party plans to work are students
who do not meet all the membership
qualifications as W.A.S.P.'s.

Growing Membership

Co-fuhrers of the society are
Mike Weinstein and Walker Chandler.
The founder is Carl Harris. At
present, these three are the only
members of the Society, but the
organizers see membership mushrooming.

The preamble to the Constitution
of the proposed society lists
the weapons to be used in their
struggle as: barbers and razor
blades, campus crackdowns, capitalism,
the draft, "detention"
camps, final solutions, stronger
drug laws, tough police and law and

Methods And Goals

The Constitution itself empowers
the Society to stage cross-burnings,
rallies, passive resistances,
revivals, and lynchings to accomplish
its goals. These goals are the
complete elimination of drinking,
drugs, girls-in-dorms, international
communism, labor unions, lax
morals, long hair and beards,
smoking, swearing, and students
who don't know their place.

Mr. Chandler said that hopefully
the Student Council would consider
the recognition of the Society soon.
Two years ago, Mr. Chandler was a
member of the Anarchist Party
which elected two members to the
council. Now that the party has
disbanded, he has turned his interest
in campus polities in an entirely
different direction.