University of Virginia Library


Needless to say, we were very pleased to
learn that the University had hired a part-time
black admissions officer. We suppose, in view
of the ever-cautious modus operandi of the
University, that a full-time black recruiter at
the outset was far too much to hope for, and,
indeed, we were somewhat surprised to learn
that a black recruiter had been hired even on a
part-time basis. We are very much encouraged
now about the sincerity of the administration's
efforts to open up the University
community, and we hope it will "keep up the
good work" by making Mr. Stokes a full-time
employee as soon as he is available for such.

We look for the day when the position
held by a black man in the admissions office is
"Assistant Dean of Admissions" rather than
"assistant to the Dean of Admissions."