University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

About six weeks ago a letter
appeared in The Cavalier Daily
from Mr. Michael A. Collora indicating
that he had accepted as
accurate a statement he had read
in a student magazine to the effect
that the University of Virginia
has a policy of refusing admission
to Negro students from
outside the State.

I immediately wrote Mr. Collora
(a former University student now
enrolled at the Harvard Law
School) that a check of our enrollment
records against the voluntary
designations of race or color
made by students at registration
time showed that at least five
Negro students enrolled here last
fall are from states other than

This is not to say that this
number of out-of-state Negro students
in the University is adequate
to meet the challenges of the time,
but rather to say that we will
be able to progress faster if students,
faculty and staff will work
together to prevent the spread of
harmful fictions about the University.

If Mr. Collora has not yet
written you on this point, for
the information of your readers I
hope you will publish this letter.

Paul Saunier, Jr.
University Relations