University of Virginia Library



Raven Society meeting, 8 p.m.
Jefferson Hall. U. Education is
subject. Open to public.

Eng. Council meeting, 5 p.m.
Conference room, Thornton Hall.

Piano recital, Jerry Bramblett,
sponsored by Dept. of Music,
Cabell Hall Aud., 8:30 p.m. No
admission charge.

Family Housing Council elections
are being held today from
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Polls are located
in Copeley Hill and U. Gardens.

Student Education Assoc. meeting,
4:30 in room 104, Peabody
Hall to elect candidates for Student
Council and Judiciary.


Corks and Curis should be
picked up this week at the Main
Desk, Newcomb Hall between 2
and 5 p.m.

Indian movie "Mahanagar,"
7:30 in Gilmer Hall Aud. Friday.
Admission free.

Saturday, "Israel Night," cultural
entertainment program presented
by the Intern. Club, 8 p.m.
Gilmer Hall. Public invited.

Any organization of fairly
constant membership that desires
to have their 1968-69 Corks and
Curls org. picture taken this
spring, please contact Ralph Main
at 293-6268 by May 8.

Trigon Engineering Society announces
the pledging of engineers:
E. Andrew, K. Barton, J.
Beeghley, J. Bennett, D. Clark,
G. Deakin D. DeCroce, B. Elliot,
D. Firth, T. Gauss, B. Grossman,
B. Hartmaier, P. Hedberg, G.
Hedrick, D. Helm, T. Hollowell,
D. Jackson, M. Kearney, W. Livingston,
D. Lovett, T. Maccubbin,
J. McDaniel, L. Molosky, M.
Monahan, J. Passmore, E. Perkins,
T. Plampin, M. Randolph, J.
Rice, S. Ritchey, W. Roderick, W.
Saunders, C. Setzer, D. Shelton,
B. Sherwood, B. Talbert, M. Tessleri,
N. Tulon, C. Udell, B. Watkins,
G. Whelan, T. Williams.

Students wishing to have their
1966-67 English themes folders
returned this spring are reminded
that they must submit a written
request by May 3 to the English
Department office, Cabell Hall 528
or 530.

Student Nurses Car Wash Saturday
College Gulf Station. Benefit—adopted
marine battalion in

Combined meeting of the Brothers
and Pledges of Trigon Eng.
Society, 7:30 in A-214, Thornton
Hall on May 6.

There will be a meeting of the
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers on Monday at 7:30 p.m.
to elect officers for next year,
room in A&M Bldg. will be announced.
All Mech. Eng. urged to
attend regardless of membership.

Stanford White Society announces
initiation of Flora Johnson
into the Women's Auxiliary.

Delta Sigma Pl, business and
economics fraternity announces
the pledging of: S. Fedora, F.
Fitzhugh, W. Hundleg, M. Johnson,
D. Kudravetz, H. Little, M.
Magnuson, R. Marker, E. McGulre,
R. Moore, R. Brand, P.

men in the College
should have completed their preregistration
by this time. Unless
their schedule cards are submitted
promptly to the office of
the Dean, they may not be preregistered
for 1968-69. All rising
THIRD-YEAR students should
complete their declarations of
majors and their pre-registration
by May 3. The deadline for all
pre-registration is May 10; rising
third-year students who have not
declared their majors by then are
ineligible to return to the College
next year. All students who are
planning to attend another School of the U. or another institution
are required to notify the Dean
of their intentions.