University of Virginia Library

Student Accident Insurance

At its July meeting the Board referred the matter of group accident insurance for Mary
Washington students to the Mary Washington Committee with power to act. Since the Student Accident
Medical Reimbursement Plan of the Indemnity Insurance Company of America had operated successfully
for Mary Washington students last year, and since time for investigating thoroughly possible
alternatives was limited, the committee decided to continue the above plan with James A. Scott and
Son, Inc., for the coming year.

However, the committee asked for deletion of postscript in the proposed letter to parents
of students: "P.S. The above-mentioned plan is the only plan which has received the approval
of the Board of Visitors of Mary Washington College for the year 1951-52."

Approval of this plan does not bar any other company from securing such business. The
committee would like to study the whole matter of group accident insurance for Mary Washington
students during the spring of 1952.