University of Virginia Library

Victory In Primary

Another surprising aspect of
his 1970 campaign was his
victory in the Democratic
primary over Jeffery Cohelan,
a six-term liberal with a 93
rating from the liberal
Americans for Democratic
Action (ADA).

Among those endorsing his
candidacy in 1970 were such
well-known nonviolent leaders
as Mrs. Coretta King and
Caesar Chavez.

Mr. Dellums is a member of
the District of Columbia and
Foreign Affairs Committees of
the House of Representatives.
Since 1970 he has sponsored

more than 140 bills related to
the Vietnam war, military
racism, domestic problems of
health and child care, prison
reform and America interests
in South America.

Mr. Dellums holds an A.A.
degree in social science as well
as a Masters in psychiatric
social work.

University Union is
sponsoring his talk.