University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

Since my arrival at the
University, I have become
increasingly alarmed over the
chauvinism displayed to an
excess by the various
organizations of this school. A
prime example is the yearbook,
which has chosen for its name,
"Corks and Curls." This title
implies that the University's
only activities involve liquor
and women.

Such is not the case. Many
of us prefer not to consume
liquor or spend our evenings
chasing females in pursuit of
minor physical pleasures.
Instead, we would rather
remain sober and indulge in
intellectually stimulating
pursuits, such as novels, ches
the classics, art, and eve

I acknowledge the fact that
there are those who are her
for purposes other than
education. I do not believe
however, that the yearbook
should choose a title which
reflects the goals of those few
or of any minority.

A title is therefore needed
along the lines of "Atman" in
the Hindu thought, or some
other expression of universal

Tuck F. Axelrod III
Coll 1