University of Virginia Library


1.  Eothen, or Traces of Travel  $0 50 
2.  Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch  37½ 
3.  Undine, together with Sintram  50 
4.  Imagination and Fancy. Leigh Hunt  50 
5.  Diary of Lady Willoughby  25 
6.  Hazlitt's Table Talk. part 1  37½ 
7.  Headlong Hall, and Nightmare Abbey  37½ 
8.  The French in Algiers. Lady Gordon  37 
9.  Hazlitt's Table Talk. part 2  37½ 
10.  Ancient Moral Tales  37½ 
11.  The Crescent and the Cross. pt. 1  50 
12.  The Crescent and the Cross. pt. 2  50 
13.  Hazlitt's Age of Elizabeth  50 
14.  Leigh Hunt's Indicator. part 1  50 
15.  Zschokke's Tales, by Park Godwin  50 

*** Of this Elegant Series of Books the
following are in preparation.

Prose and Verse, by Thomas Hood $0 37½

The Genius and Character of Burns, by Prof.

Hazlitt's Table Talk.

Autobiography of Heinrich Zschokke.

Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins.

The Youth of Shakspeare.

Shakspeare and his Friends.

Shakspeare in Love.

Life of Talleyrand.

Dante, Etc. Etc.