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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Page 21

Sec. 14-b. Referendum on introduction of fluorine, sodium
fluoride, etc., into city water system.

After the effective date thereof,[6] it shall be unlawful to
introduce fluorine, or sodium fluoride, or any compound or
combination thereof into the city's public water system unless
the voters of the city approve the same in a referendum called
and held under section 24-141 of the Code [of Virginia], as
amended; such referendum to be initiated by a petition seeking
introduction of such chemicals filed with the council as
hereinafter set forth. The petition shall be signed by qualified
voters equal in number to ten per centum of the largest number
of votes cast in any general or primary election held in the
city during the five years immediately preceding, each signature
to which has been witnessed by a person whose affidavit
to that effect is attached to the petition. If a majority of the
voters voting in the election approve, fluorine, sodium fluoride,
or a compound thereof may be added to such water supply;
but, if a majority so voting, vote against them then neither
fluorine, sodium fluoride, nor any compound thereof shall be
added to such water supply system. If a referendum is held
hereunder another referendum thereon shall not be held until
the expiration of two years. (1962, c. 332.)

Effect of amendment.—The 1962 Act added this section.


The Act from which this section is derived became effective
March 30, 1962.