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The figures in the following tables may be taken as fairly accurate approximations
of all necessary expenses for a session of nine months. As
necessary expenses are reckoned here University, tuition, athletic and Topics
fees, laboratory fees, lodging, board, laundry, and books, but not clothing,
traveling expenses, or pocket money. For each department three estimates
are given—a low, an average, and a liberal estimate. The difference in the
three depends on the difference of expenditure for board, lodging, books, and
laundry—in other words, on the scale of living of the individual student. If
a student shares a room with another student, and practices the strictest
economy, he may possibly reduce his expenses below the estimate.

The College of Arts and Sciences

Virginians  Non-Virginians 
Low  Average  Liberal  Low  Average  Liberal 
University Fee  $ 50.00  $ 50.00  $ 50.00  $ 60.00  $ 60.00  $ 60.00 
Tuition Fee  60.00  60.00  60.00  250.00  250.00  250.00 
Athletic Fee  15.00  15.00  15.00  15.00  15.00  15.00 
Topics Fee  1.50  1.50  1.50  1.50  1.50  1.50 
Laboratory Fees (average)  10.00  10.00  10.00  10.00  10.00  10.00 
Room, Heat, Light, Furniture and Service  65.00  115.00  225.00  65.00  115.00  225.00 
Board  200.00  225.00  270.00  200.00  225.00  270.00 
Books  25.00  30.00  35.00  25.00  30.00  35.00 
Laundry  25.00  35.00  50.00  25.00  35.00  50.00 
Total for Session of Nine Months  $ 451.50  $ 541.50  $ 716.50  $ 651.50  $ 741.50  $ 916.50 

Student Self-Help.—The University maintains a Bureau of Student Self-Help
for the benefit of students who wish to obtain remunerative employment
while pursuing their studies. Opportunities for employment are not
infrequent, but no new student should attempt to attend the University unless


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he has sufficient private resources to defray at least half of the expenses
of his first session. After a student has arrived at the University, the Bureau
will make every effort to find suitable work for him, but no assurance of
employment can be given until after the student's arrival.

Students who desire the assistance of the Bureau are invited to apply
for information by addressing the Director, Box 1487, University, Virginia.

Loans will be provided for deserving students. See page 38.