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Description and Rates

The Halls.—The most comfortable, best-equipped, and most modern rooming
accommodations in the University or in the city are to be found in the
new University dormitories, erected in 1929. This group of eight buildings


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stands on the crest of the slope west of Monroe Hill, with an outlook on the
Ragged Mountains and the range of the Blue Ridge, and is within less than
three minutes walking distance from the gymnasium, the academic, engineering
and law class-rooms, and the University Commons.

These eight buildings are divided into twelve separate units, known as
Halls, each with its individual entrance, and each bearing the name of sme pr
fessor, distinguished in the history of the University. The buildings are of three
stories and of full fire-proof brick and cement construction throughout. The
provide one hundred and fifty-three two-room apartments, of living-room and
bedroom, each apartment intended to accommodate two students.

All of the rooms are approximately fifteen feet square. Each living-room
has an open fire-place and is furnished with a desk with drawers, a table with
drawer, a steel waste-basket, two rocking-chairs, two straight chairs and floorplugs
for reading lamps. Each bedroom has two large built-in clothes clsets,
and is furnished with two single steel beds, two chiffoniers, and two straight
chairs. All furniture is new, of excellent quality and attractive design, the bed
springs and mattresses of especially high grade.

There is an average of one bathroom to every five students. The bath
rooms, each equipped with showers and an individual built-in steel locker and a
medicine chest with mirror for each student using it, are so placed that every
bed-room, with one sole exception, opens directly into a bath.

Telephone service is provided in each Hall. Trunks and packing cases will
not be permitted in the apartments of The Halls dormitories. They must be
delivered to the trunk room in each Hall from which the student will remove
the contents to his room. Trunks and packing cases will be stored in dry racks
located in the basement. Each apartment will ordinarily be occupied by two
students. The rental for the nine months of the regular session is $150 per student
(or $300 for each apartment).

East Lawn and West Lawn are of one-story brick construction. They contain
thirty-eight rooms, each approximately twelve feet square, located between
the pavilions and opening into colonnades running the entire length of "The Lawn."
The rental of twenty-seven of the rooms, for the session, is $125 for one occupant
or $170 for two occupants. The remaining nine rooms, called Bachelors' Row,
rent for $115 for one occupant, or $160 for two occupants. These rooms are reserved
for applicants for senior degrees.

East Range and West Range consist of forty-six one-story brick rooms,
approximately twelve feet square, built in sections running the entire length of
"The Ranges," and opening into arcades. In addition, there are two two-story
brick houses called the Old Gymnasium and the Club House, containing fourteen
rooms, approximately fifteen feet square. The rental of the rooms on the Ranges,
for the session, is $125 for one occupant or $170 for two. The rooms in the
Old Gymnasium and the Club House rent for $80 for one occupant or $110 for

Dawson's Row consists of a series of four eight-room two-story brick houses,
and a six-room one-story brick house, located on the southwest side of the
grounds. The rooms are approximately fifteen feet square. The rental of fifty-one


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of the rooms, for the session, is $95 for one occupant or $130 for two. Four
of the rooms rent for $60 for one occupant or $80 for two.

All of the rooms on the Lawns and Ranges and in Dawson's Row are provided
with running cold water. For each of the Lawns and Ranges one bathhouse
is provided and there is a bath-house in Dawson's Row.

Randall Building.—A two-story brick building, located at the south end of
East Range, containing thirty-one single rooms ten by fourteen, ten by fifteen and
ten by sixteen; eight double rooms fourteen by fifteen, fifteen by fifteen and
fifteen by seventeen; one double room with study-room attached. Single rooms rent
at $80 to $90; double rooms $125 for one occupant or $150 for two occupants.
Duble room with study-room attached, for one occupant $135, or $180 for two

The furnishing of the rooms on the Lawns and Ranges, in Dawson's Row and
Randall Building is as follows: For one occupant—an enamelled iron bed with com-
frtable springs and mattress, a chiffonier, a table, a straight chair and a rocking-chair.
For two occupants—two single beds or one double-deck bed with springs
and mattresses, one chiffonier, one desk or two tables, one rocking-chair and two
straight chairs.