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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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There be three little Maidens; three loving Maidens;
Three bonny Maidens mine;
Three precious jewels are set in Life's crown,
On prayer-lifted brows to shine.
Six starry eyes, all love-luminous,
Look out of our heaven so tender;
Since the Honey-moon, glowing and glorious,
Arose in its ripening splendour.
There's Lilybell, Duchess of Wonderland,
With dance of life, dimples and curls;
Whose bud of a mouth will burst into flower
A-smile with the wanton white pearls:
And Sweetcheek, our rosily-goldening peach
On the sunniest side o' the wall,
But Marian's Mother's darling,
Marian's Idol of all.