University of Virginia Library


My Answer.

The Poet to the Painter.

Why? though I seeme of a prodigious wast,
I am not so voluminous, and vast,
But there are lines, wherewith I might b'embrac'd.
'Tis true, as my wombe swells, so my backe stoupes,
And the whole lumpe growes round, deform'd, and droupes,
But yet the Tun at Heidelberg had houpes.
You were not tied, by any Painters Law
To square my Circle, I confesse; but draw
My Superficies: that was all you saw.
Which if in compasse of no Art it came
To be described by a Monogram,
With one great blot, yo'had form'd me as I am.
But whilst you curious were to have it be
An Archetipe, for all the world to see,
You made it a brave piece, but not like me.
O, had I now your manner, maistry, might,
Your Power of handling, shadow, ayre, and spright,
How I would draw, and take hold and delight.
Put, you are he can paint; I can but write:
A Poet hath no more but black and white,
Ne knowes he flatt'ring Colours, or false light.
Yet when of friendship I would draw the face
A letter'd mind, and a large heart would place
To all posteritie; I will write Burlase.