University of Virginia Library

Uideo et taceo.

Epigram. 254.

As he that (ouer-curious) Bane receaues
To know the quality and force of it,
Dies, by that force, er he th' effect perceaues;
(And worthy too, for fooling so with Wit)
So, they that loue to looke too curiously
Into the liues of Kings, their fault to know,
Oft so oresee themselues, in what they see,
That they, thereby, themselues quite ouerthrow!
For, such as are not pleas'd with Phœbus Raies,
That yeelds all comfort vnto all that liue,
But needs must see how he his Beames displayes,
And the whole Body, that such light doth giue:
No maruel though they blind thēselues thereby;
Then winck (with Sem) whē thou dost faults discry,
For, no Spie's in such danger as this Spy.