University of Virginia Library


[My God, my life, my love]


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


My God, my life, my love,
To thee, to thee I call,
I cannot live if thou remove,
For thou art all in all.


Thy shining grace can cheer
This dungeon where I dwell;
'Tis paradise when thou art here,
If thou depart, 'tis hell.


The smilings of thy face,
How amiable they are!
'Tis heaven to rest in thine embrace,
And no where else but there.


To thee, and thee alone,
The angels owe their bliss;
They sit around thy gracious throne,
And dwell where Jesus is.


Not all the harps above
Can make a heavenly place,
If God his residence remove,
Or but conceal his face.


Nor earth, nor all the sky
Can one delight afford,
No, not a drop of real joy,
Without thy presence, Lord.


Thou art the sea of love,
Where all my pleasures roll,
The circle where my passions move,
And centre of my soul.


To thee my spirits fly
With infinite desire,
And yet how far from thee I lie!
Dear Jesus raise me higher.