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Upon the completion of the four years course as defined in any
one of the foregoing Programmes of Study and the presentation of
an acceptable graduating thesis the Faculty will award to any student
in regular and honorable standing the appropriate Degree of Civil
Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Mining Engineer,
or Chemical Engineer. In each programme will be found the Topics
of Study for the several years. The hours for lectures and laboratory
exercises will be found in the Schedule. The dates for the examinations
are given in the Examination Programme.


Page 227


DATES  Freshman  Sophomore  Junior  Senior 
13  15  Anal. Chem. 2  Mechanics 3 
Min. Eng. 3 
14  16  30  Mathematics 1  Civil Eng. 2  Chemistry 3 
Chemistry 2 
15  17  31  Mechanics 1 
16  18  Drawing 1  Drawing 3  Mech. Eng. 3 
17  20  Civil Eng. 1  An. Chem. 1 
Mech. Eng. 1 
Elec. Eng. 1 
19  21  Physics 1  Elec. Eng. 2 
Mech. Eng. 2 
20  23  Geology 1  Indl. Chem. 
Physics 2 
21  23  Drawing 2 
23  24  Chemistry 1  Mechanics 2  Geology 2 
23  25  29  Mathematics 2  Civil Eng. 3 
Elec. Eng. 3 

(i) The student who makes an average of less than 40 per cent.
on his courses at the end of any term is dropped from the rolls.

(ii) The student who makes an average of 40 per cent., or more
at the end of any term, but who makes less than 65 per cent. on each
of his courses, is on probation for the term next ensuing.

(iii) The student—already on probation—who again makes less
than 65 per cent. on each of his courses at the end of the current
term, is dropped from the rolls.